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France Could Become the Powerhouse of a Global Tidal Energy Industry

Secretary of State for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, Sébastien Lecornu, announced preliminary studies to the launch of a tidal energy tender in Paris on February 8, 2018. The announcement is an important first step and strong message to the sector. A tender for tidal energy will see France become the global center of tidal energy manufacturing.

New Research is Testing Scour Effects on Offshore Substation Jackets

Offshore wind farms are getting bigger, and are increasingly being located further offshore in deeper waters, creating new challenges for their design, maintenance and operation. Key to their successful operation is the offshore substation, the gateway for the transport of energy to the mainland via undersea cables.

Eni Discovers Gas Offshore Cyprus

Eni has made a lean gas discovery in Block 6 Offshore Cyprus with Calypso 1 NFW. The well, which was drilled in 2,074 meters of water depth reaching a final total depth of 3,827 meters, encountered an extended gas column in rocks of Miocene and Cretaceous age. The Cretaceous sequence has excellent reservoir characteristics.

Wello Exporting Wave Energy Converters to China

The Finnish wave energy technology provider Wello has signed an important contract with the Chinese conglomerate CIMC OEI. This contract paves Wello’s way to the vast Chinese energy market and enables Wello to reach a most competitive position in renewable energy technology markets worldwide.

Vigor and Ocean Energy Partners to Build Wave Energy Buoy

Some 7,000 miles separates Ireland and Hawaii but, as island peoples, both have always looked to their respective oceans for resources, inspiration and opportunity. Irish company Ocean Energy announced its pioneering wave energy convertor “OE Buoy” will be built by Oregon‐ based Vigor and deployed at the US Navy’s Wave Energy Test Site on the windward coast of the Hawaiian Island of O’ahu in the fall of 2018.

North Sea Exploration Success for BP

BP has announced two new exploration discoveries in the North Sea. The discoveries are Capercaillie, in Block 29/4e in the Central North Sea, and Achmelvich, in Block 206/9b west of Shetland. BP is 100% owner of Capercaillie and the Achmelvich well partnership comprises BP (operator, 52.6%), Shell (28%) and Chevron (19.4%).

Shell Announces Large Deep-Water Discovery in Gulf of Mexico

Shell Offshore Inc. (“Shell”) announces one of its largest U.S. Gulf of Mexico exploration finds in the past decade from the Whale deep-water well. The well encountered more than 1,400 net feet (427 meters) of oil bearing pay. Evaluation of the discovery is ongoing, and appraisal drilling is underway to further delineate the discovery and define development options.


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