NOWRDC Announces $2.6million to Advance Offshore Wind Innovation


The National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium announces Round One awards in the Offshore Wind Solicitation 1.0 for offshore wind technology research and development projects.

This announcement advances the Consortium’s long-term strategy for identifying innovative technology to further drive down costs of offshore wind development in the United States, making it even more competitive with other generation resources.

“On behalf of the Consortium, I am excited to announce these awards,” said Carrie Cullen Hitt, Executive Director of the Consortium. “The awards reflect critical topics identified by industry to advance offshore wind development and the development of a US supply chain to support the industry.”

“These projects will enable the continued scaling of offshore wind turbines to even greater heights, allowing them to access the excellent wind resources off our coasts while capitalizing on economies of scale,” said Robert Marlay, Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office.

The competitive solicitation, open to companies and academic and research institutions, sought new solutions that remove barriers and address issues essential for cost reduction, deployment, and industry growth in the United States. This announcement addresses awards for Round One: Enabling Large Scale Turbines (15 Megawatt).

  • Exmar Offshore Company: Feasibility of a Jones Act Compliant Wind Turbine Installation Vessel Conversion
  • Crowley Maritime: Technology Validation of Existing US Barges as a Feeder Solution for US Offshore Wind
  • Texas A&M: Vibratory-Installed Bucket Foundation for Fixed Foundation Offshore Wind Towers
  • Esteyco SL: Self-Installing Concrete Gravity-Base Substructure Sizing for 15MW Turbine
  • Marin USA: Comparative Operability of Floating Feeder Solutions

Crowley Vice President, New Energy Jeff Andreini said: “Crowley’s Engineering and New Energy groups are sincerely appreciative of NOWRDC’s funding opportunities and proactive support of the flourishing U.S. offshore wind industry. We look forward to leveraging our offshore operational experience with the diversity of our engineering services solutions to utilize the Phase II funding for specialized marine simulation programs. We are confident that through these simulations, we will be able to document and demonstrate the effectiveness of U.S. flagged, towed barges to safely and efficiently perform as offshore wind component “feeder” vessels in varied sea conditions and environments.”

“Over the past year, twenty-five projects received awards from the Consortium, representing over $20 million in funding. Note that not all awarded projects have completed the contracting process and are subject to negotiation. A full list of the awards can be found on the Consortium’s website.

The National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium was established in 2018 when the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) was awarded $18.5 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to administer a public-private partnership focused on advancing offshore wind technology in the United States. NYSERDA contributed matching funds. The Consortium, a not-for- profit organization, supports cost-effective and responsible development of offshore wind to maximize economic benefit the United States. The Commonwealths of Virginia and Massachusetts and the State of Maryland also contribute to the Consortium’s funding.

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