Coda Octopus Releases New Generation of Survey Engine® Reporting and QC Tool

Coda Octopus announces the release of Version 8.3 of Survey Engine which introduces the new multi-line Deduplication processing feature. Automatically detected and interpreted features on overlapping sidescan lines which are within a user-configurable spatial distance of each other, are automatically highlighted as potential duplicate features.

While usable for manual interpreted features, this tool is largely intended for use with SEADP – Survey Engine’s Automatic Boulder Detection Package – where 1000’s of boulders can be, quickly and automatically, detected but these can contain duplicates on overlapping sidescan lines particularly in high density boulder fields.

The processing tool presents potential duplicates to the user in an intuitive interface for simple user review, with feature image snapshots and the option to quickly zoom to the relevant location in the overall Mosaic view to see the features in a larger spatial context. Features can be marked as duplicates, confirmed as distinct or marked for further review by other processing users. Marked duplicates can be removed from any report output using the software’s advanced filtering tools. Used with SEADP, the Deduplication Tool minimizes the time for quality control review checks covering boulder detection reporting from sidescan data.

This release also includes routine fixes.


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