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MetOcean Telematics: iSVP


The Surface Velocity Program (SVP, iSVP) drifting buoy is a Lagrangian current-following drifter, designed to track water currents (15 metres depth) beneath the ocean surface. Developed for unattended operation in the oceans of the world, the SVP consists of sensors to acquire meteorological and oceanographic data, a battery power source, and a satellite transmitter that relays the data through either Argos or Iridium® satellite systems.

The standard SVP is equipped with a sea surface temperature sensor, and buoys can also be equipped with an (OPTIONAL) barometric pressure (BP) sensor. The SVP’s holey sock drogue is centered at 15 meters and is sized to provide a drag ratio (drogue frontal area to that of all other submerged frontal areas) in excess of 40:1. The SVP buoy has been a proven data collection asset for the oceanographic, meteorological, and oil and gas markets. Today, major weather forecasting agencies use MetOcean Telematics SVP buoys and the SVP is found throughout the world’s oceans.


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