Mission Blue Join Forces with ECO Magazine to Publish Special Issue on Marine Pollution

ECO Magazine and Mission Blue will publish a special digital issue that features the most recent scientific knowledge and solutions to address one of the biggest threats to our ocean: human-made pollution.

The growing problem of marine pollution touches all corners of the planet. While plastic dominates the media, human activities result in a complex mixture of substances and materials entering the ocean, including oil spills, chemicals, nutrients, pesticides and marine litter.

Laura Cassiani, Executive Director of Mission Blue says, “We are delighted to partner with ECO Magazine on this special issue focusing on marine pollution. Pollution in the ocean is a pervasive problem, especially plastics that have flooded the world’s shorelines and marine ecosystems. We’re looking forward to joining ECO Magazine to promote practical solutions and highlight efforts to reduce plastics in the ocean.”

It is estimated that 80 percent of marine pollution originate on land. Nutrient run-off from agriculture and sewages has caused approximately 500 ‘dead zones’ around the world – areas with low or zero oxygen which are unable to sustain life. Recent research also suggests that the amount of discarded plastics will outweigh the amount of fish in our ocean by 2050.

Available this October, the Marine Pollution digital edition will reveal the latest statistics and pollution monitoring data, explore novel detection and removal technologies, discuss environmental-friendly alternatives, and determine the infrastructure and policy changes needed to tackle the pollution crisis facing our ocean.

ECO’s Senior Editor, Kira Coley, adds: “Plastic is a popular focus because we can see its impact on the environment and wildlife. While plastic waste is important, we shouldn’t forget about the invisible pollution that is also causing serious harm to our coasts, marine life and local economies. We are excited to partner with Mission Blue to raise awareness about the broader problem of human-made pollution and the solutions needed to tackle it.”

ECO and Mission Blue invite ocean stakeholders participating in activities in all fields related to marine pollution to submit a contribution.

How do I contribute?

ECO Magazine is interested in written, video, and audio submissions related to initiatives, new knowledge, partnerships, or innovative solutions that are relevant to the following:

  1. Ocean Noise
  2. Plastic Waste
  3. Oil Spills
  4. Chemicals and Pesticides
  5. Nutrient Run-off and Harmful Algal Blooms

Due to the increasing popularity of ECO Magazine’s digital series, spaces are limited. Those wishing to submit content should fill out the submission form as soon as possible.

The editorial team will get in touch to discuss your submission and provide you with your allocated word-count and a style guide. On acceptance, ECO Magazine ask that you submit your completed article by September 13, 2021.

For more information about submitting a story to the Marine Pollution Special Issue, contact ECO’s Senior Editor, Kira Coley, at [email protected].

Support Our Outreach Efforts

Through the production of these exclusive digital issue, ECO Magazine aims to help the discovery of viable solutions to the ocean’s most prevalent issues by facilitating knowledge-sharing and increasing topic awareness to a fast-growing international audience.

These special issues are free and only made possible through the generosity of organizations wishing to support these efforts through paid sponsorship. Sponsorship packages start from as little as $500. 

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