NORMA Cyber to Support Authorities with Maritime Cyber Security

(Image credit: NORMA Cyber)

Norwegian authorities have chosen the Norwegian Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (Norma Cyber) to collaborate with in their work on cyber security within the Maritime industry. This is a recognition of the competency and capabilities NORMA Cyber has built over the three last years since their establishment.

NORMA Cyber will support the production and distribution of warnings, information- and vulnerability sharing and analysis of cyber related incidents within the maritime sector. The sector includes ports, port facilities, vessels, and shipowners – and has a great significance, both nationally and internationally.

We are happy that the authorities have designated this important role to NORMA Cyber. This will increase the efforts to secure the maritime sector against a growing cyber threat landscape. This will benefit society and industry alike, says Svein Ringbakken, CEO in The Norwegian Shipowners’ Mutual War Risks Insurance Association (DNK) and chairman of the board in NORMA Cyber.

2 Svein RingbakkenSvein Ringbakken, chairman of the board, NORMA Cyber. (Image credit: NORMA Cyber)

Will cooperate closely with the Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) and the Norwegian Maritime Authorities

The assignment was given to NORMA Cyber by the Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) who together with the Norwegian Maritime Authority are the maritime industry authority on security and preparedness. It is the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries who has assigned the Norwegian sectorial response environment for cyber security (SRM) to NCA. The NCA will be NORMA Cybers point of contact and cooperating partner within the authorities.

  • It is very positive that a SRM for the maritime industry has been established and we are looking forward to contributing to this collaboration. It will give a more holistic approach to the cyber security response across the maritime sector. And it will strengthen the coordination with other industries prior to, during and after incidents occur says Lars Benjamin Vold, Managing Director of NORMA Cyber.

NORMA Cyber will amongst other share relevant and time sensitive vulnerability warnings to the maritime sector and contribute to transparency and information sharing of relevant information from cyber security incidents. Furthermore, NORMA Cyber will act as an advisory body when needed during crisis- and incident management, as well as contribute to warnings and reports.

  • NORMA Cyber was established after several parities in the Norwegian maritime industry wanted to join their collective efforts on cyber security. We have now grown to more than 110 members and we have built niche competence for the maritime industry. It is great to see that we can support the authorities in their efforts and look forward to draw on synergies between the public and private sector on behalf of the maritime industry. We look forward to support the NCA, whilst at the same time continue our commitment to find new and better solutions and services on behalf of our members, continues Lars Benjamin Vold.

NORMA Cyber will join NCA in relevant fora at the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC). NORMA Cyber will increase their information access and maintain the responsibility of information sharing within the maritime industry. Thus, the tasks NORMA Cyber will be responsible for will contribute to the important task of securing the maritime sector, which with their ports, vessels and on shore facilities are crucial to Norwegian infrastructure, trade and preparedness.

About Norwegian Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (NORMA Cyber)

NORMACyberNORMA Cyber was established in late 2020 as an initiative from the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association (NSA) and The Norwegian Shipowners’ Mutual War Risks Insurance Association (DNK) and their respective members. It has been operational since 1 January 2021.

The Centre offers a range of cyber security services to their members, including sharing of intelligence, incident- and crisis management as well as security monitoring. The Center is the first of its kind in the world.

Society has gotten more and more vulnerable due to new and rapid developments in technology. Thus, the initiators saw a need to build a capability specifically to meet the increasing cyber threats pose. On one hand it is important to the maritime industry to continue their innovation where digitalization plays a critical role in a sustainable development. On the other hand, the security issues need to be addressed by the right type of competency and capabilities. DNK and NSA was able to meet these new requirements by merging their resources in a joint venture that became NORMA Cyber. The effects and output of these efforts will now increase when NORMA Cyber embarks on this cooperation with the authorities.

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