Ocean Sonics Celebrates World Oceans Day with an Entire Week of Ocean Related Events

Saturday June 8 is World Oceans Day and Ocean Sonics Ltd., of Great Village, Nova Scotia, is celebrating with an entire week of ocean related events.  World Oceans Day is a day to recognize the importance of the ocean and take action to keep it healthy. It’s a day that people and organizations all over the world use to encourage their communities to celebrate the ocean.

The goal of Ocean Sonics World Oceans Day celebrations is to connect with local youth from the surrounding communities in order to create awareness of the current state and health of our ocean. The ambition of Ocean Sonics is to inspire the next generation of oceanographers and engineers.

On Monday, Ocean Sonics hosted IMHOTEP, a weekly mathematics and science enrichment and mentorship program for junior high school learners in Nova Scotia. These nine students and three chaperones were on site at the Ocean Sonics office for two hours before traveling down to the Bay of Fundy to deploy one of the company’s instruments, the icListen Smart Hydrophone, in the water. While at the office the students received a full tour of the wet lab and electronics lab and spent time with each of the employees listening to where they went to school and how they got to be where they are now in their professional careers. As an added bonus the students were taught how to tie a few key knots before heading down to the Bay.

On Tuesday, Ocean Sonics traveled to the Great Village Elementary School spending half an hour with each class giving a presentation on the importance of the ocean, and a water test tank demonstration with the icListen Smart Hydrophone. The young students loved the demonstration of the hydrophone and being able to sing and make sounds with musical instruments into the test tank that the hydrophone picked up and visually displayed on the Lucy software.

Monday and Tuesdays World Oceans Day events gave the students several new perspectives on the ocean. A PowerPoint presentation created by Ocean Sonics encouraged the students to think about what the ocean means to them and what it has to offer all of us. The presentation taught the students about marine life and how our daily actions affect the oceans ecosystems. The students learned about global warming, bad fishing practices, bottom trawling, garbage pollution and noise pollution. As a final thought Ocean Sonics encouraged the students who attended either of the events to take conservation action to protect the ocean by making a promise to the ocean today. In summary the students learned that it’s up to each one of us to help ensure our ocean is protected and conserved for future generations.

Coming up on Wednesday, Eastlink TV will be visiting the office in Great Village to ask some intriguing questions and following with a story on Ocean Sonics. Thursday Ocean Sonics will be exhibiting in the Oceans Career Fair and Industry Showcase event that takes place at the Cunard Centre in Halifax as part of their Oceans Week celebrations. Friday is “wear blue and tell two” day at Ocean Sonics and the office will celebrate the ocean by creating awareness to those who are simply uninformed about the health and future of our ocean.

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