Woods Hole Group Awarded Current Profiling System for Helix Energy Solutions

Woods Hole Group announces that on November 14, 2014 it was awarded a contract to design and install a current profiling system for a subsidiary of Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc.

The current profiling system will consist of dual (upward and downward looking) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling instrumentation (ADCP), a launch and recovery system (LARS), onboard real time displays of the water column speed and direction to 1000 M below the Semisubmersible vessel.

The system will be installed on the Semi-submersible well intervention vessel, ‘Q5000’ and is expected to become operational in the Gulf of Mexico during the summer of 2015. The Q5000 is a Helix Energy Solutions vessel. This will become the 6th Woods Hole Group current profiling system operating in the Gulf of Mexico for a major oil company.

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