CARIS Releases HIPS and SIPS 9.0 and Bathy DataBASE 4.1

Fredericton, NB, Canada – October 8, 2014 – CARIS is pleased to announce new releases of its hydrographic data processing and bathymetric data management and analysis solutions. The latest releases of HIPS and SIPS 9.0 and Bathy DataBASE 4.1 feature significant enhancements, as well as providing streamlined connectivity and smart utilization of shared functionality.

HIPS and SIPS 9.0

The release of HIPS and SIPS 9.0 brings the leading hydrographic data processing system into the next generation. With over 20 years of development, the latest version has been redesigned to enhance the user experience by creating more intuitive workflows through a new interface. This release also provides HIPS and SIPS users with powerful terrain manipulation and analysis capabilities that previously only existed in BASE Editor.

Some of the latest features in HIPS and SIPS 9.0 include:

  • Creation of raster products. The new export tool provides powerful tiling and clipping functions for the supported raster formats.
  • Enhanced GIS file format support, including OGC services and new export options.
  • Direct-reading of multiple navigation sources allows the user to choose their position on the fly.
  • Redesigned Navigation and Attitude Editors to support multiple data sources and quality indicators.
  • New integrated Sediment Analysis Editor for GeoCoder Analysis tool.

Bathy DataBASE 4.1

The latest release ofBathy DataBASE 4.1 includes significant performance improvements, enhanced support for BAG and IHO S-102 data and powerful extensibility through custom data handling and creation tools.

Some additional features in Bathy DataBASE 4.1 include:

  • The CARIS Python API has been extended with a new coverage module for working with raster and cloud datasets. The API provides opportunities for building and integrating complex workflows into simple processes.
  • The creation and management of user roles has been updated to provide database administrators with more control and flexibility in assigning privileges to individual users.
  • A Catalogue Editor is now provided for customizing objects and attributes in the BDB Server feature catalogue making it simple to extend the feature model.
  • LOTS Limits and Boundaries is now available as an extension to the BASE Editor application providing robust boundary delineation workflows, 3-D visualization and geodetic assurance.

“The latest releases of HIPS and SIPS and Bathy DataBASE represent a significant milestone for CARIS. HIPS and SIPS and Bathy DataBASE are coming together to streamline the ship-to-shore process and facilitate the move to a more data centric future,” said Andy Hoggarth, Marketing and Sales Manager.

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