“The maritime environment in which we operate is very complex,” said Gilday. “The cutting-edge work being done at Carderock will help ensure the overmatch we enjoy today will exist well into the future.”
A field activity of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), the Carderock Division provides full-spectrum research and development, test and evaluation, analyses, acquisition and support for the Navy’s ships and their systems.
NSWC Carderock Division’s expertise spans from naval architecture to marine, computer, mechanical, and electrical engineering.
While at Carderock, Gilday saw several Navy-wide innovation efforts, including live virtual constructive (LVC) training systems for submarine and surface ships, advanced manufacturing and corrosion control technologies, as well as current and future fleet designs, specifically for the FFG(X) and Columbia-class submarine, which is the Navy’s number one acquisition priority.
“The talented workforce at Carderock is providing critical support to our warfighters each and every day,” said Gilday. “They are without a doubt playing a vital role in the development of tomorrow’s fleet and our future Navy.”