SeeByte, a global leader in creating smart software for unmanned maritime systems, is proud to announce the successful launch of SeeTrack Military V4.
SeeTrack Military, now in use by 19 world navies, benefits from improved capabilities. These capabilities include the ability to concurrently plan and monitor multiple missions for multiple assets from a single shared user interface. SeeTrack Military also allows a user to post-process and store the data in a shared database and visualise it in both GIS and sensor specific displays. The software is built using a Service Orientated Architecture and provides users a simple software development kit. Operators are able to operate and integrate new AUVs, diver hand-held systems, ROVs and towfish sonars using a common interface. Military users are offered simple to use and powerful contact management databases compatible with popular tactical decision level software suites. Compatibility with Version 3 of the software is preserved.
Chris Hurt, BAE Systems Business Development, said, “I was truly impressed by the way the new version of SeeTrack Military handles multiple missions from a single Geographical Information System. It’s as simple as choosing a region in the world, say the Firth of Forth, and all the missions and mission plans ever generated for that place are made instantly accessible. I don’t believe any other system offers this capability.”
SeeTrack Military is an open-architecture platform solution for rapid on-site analysis and data fusion that can be easily adapted for specific user needs. Developed as a mission-planning, monitoring, post-processing and reporting tool, this software technology has been successfully deployed on numerous surveys, military and security operations and scientific experiments.