Based on a strategic environmental assessment of the plan and consultation responses received, the Danish Energy Agency has assessed that it is possible to adopt the Plan for Program Bornholm Energy Island.
In the process, the Danish Energy Agency has adjusted the planning areas to accommodate environmental issues and planning restrictions in the area, such as bird protection areas, defense areas and ship traffic routes.
As part of the process, the Danish Energy Agency has held a number of public meetings in 2021, 2022 and 2023 in connection with consultation periods, where the public, stakeholders and authorities have submitted ideas, proposals, concerns and asked questions about the draft plan and the environmental assessment.
The plan sets the overall framework for future construction projects for Bornholm Energy Island. The plan alone does not allow for the construction of facilities.
The Danish Energy Agency’s decision can be appealed to the Energy Complaints Board for a 4-week period until June 10th, 2024.