Applied Acoustic Engineering Announces New Company Structure

The directors of Applied Acoustic Engineering Ltd (AAE) announces important changes to the structure and leadership of the company, implemented to strengthen its place in the subsea industry, and to provide the facility to offer a wider range of products and services across a variety of other industries.

The most significant development sees the establishment of a group of companies, operating under the guidance of AAE Technologies Ltd (AAET). With AAET at the helm, the trading group is comprised of three separate companies – Applied Acoustic Engineering Ltd, Ensign Subsea Systems Ltd, and Modulus Technology Ltd.

Building on its reputation for quality and service over its 27 year history, Applied Acoustic Engineering (AAE) will continue to operate in its current guise, designing and building subsea acoustic products and systems for sub-bottom profiling and acoustic positioning operations. The company has an enviable record of success in its field and since 2010, has been honoured with two Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in the International Trade category, a significant and prestigious endorsement for UK manufacturers and exporters.

Modulus Technology Ltd has been incorporated to act as a custom engineering arm of the group, able to undertake a wide range of activities such as bespoke design and build projects outside of AAE’s remit, as well as providing engineering services for the subsea industry. Primarily operating as the repair and maintenance centre for all AAE products, Modulus Technology also offers training, trials and demonstration services for the AAE Technologies Group as a whole.

The group structure is completed by the addition of Ensign Subsea Systems Ltd, AAE’s military and defense sales subsidiary company. Ensign Subsea Systems (ESS) exists to provide the systems and support to the maritime defense community that has become an integral part of the AAE business. By separating this product line, ESS has the capability to operate in this market as a dedicated defense contractor, continuing to supply AAE systems and services for mine detection, relocation and countermeasures (MCM), as well as the general maritime defense sector where over 200 subsea tracking systems are currently in use.

The three trading companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of the AAE Technologies Group and will remain under the ownership of AAE’s founder and current directors. In addition to the reorganized trading arrangements of company, Group Chairman Adam Darling welcomes Neil MacDonald and Gavin Willoughby as directors of the subsidiary businesses, both long term employees of Applied Acoustics with over 25 years of combined experience with the company. Under this leadership, the AAE Technologies Group is looking forward to continued growth and a successful future.

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