Aquatec Group Launch Equipment Awards 2016

Calling all students and researchers – Aquatec Group are hosting their 4th Equipment Awards, giving students and early career researchers the opportunity to win a free loan of Aquatec’s cutting-edge technologies for their innovative research projects.

This year the Equipment Awards have become even more exciting with the launch of a Summer of Suspension special, offering free use of Aquatec’s top of the range instruments for applications in sediment research. Two instruments are available to loan and contestants can apply to use one or both instruments for their research.

This year’s Equipment Awards offer:
1: loan of an AQUAlogger 210TY turbidity, temperature and depth data logger, which now comes with the new SSC Converter
2: loan of a new AQUAscat 1000LT acoustic suspended sediment profiler

The duration of the loan can vary from 4 to 8 weeks depending on the research proposal. The awards are open to people studying for a Master’s or PhD, and young professionals in an academic position who are within 2 years of graduating.

Aquatec are looking for innovative scientific research proposals incorporating the AQUAlogger 210TY or AQUAscat 1000LT. The entry process has become even simpler, as now researchers can submit their applications via a short form on the website. For summer deployments, apply before the 31st July 2016. For autumn deployments, applicants are encouraged to apply by the 30th September 2016.

If you have an exciting research project in mind, enter the competition today! You can find more information on the website. Terms and conditions apply.

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