CGG GeoConsulting announces that it has acquired GLOGOS, the Global Onshore Gas-Oil Seeps data set, from Gas Consult. GLOGOS will be incorporated into the new Seep Explorer, creating the world’s only onshore and offshore fully-attributed GIS-based seeps product suite for regional-to-prospect source de-risking.
Hydrocarbon seep detection from satellite imaging maps the location and repeatability of naturally occurring oil seepage offshore and is a recognized and valuable tool for New Ventures and Exploration teams and has been adopted by the majority of the major international oil companies.
Combined coverage of GLOGOS, FFD and FRogi Seeps, adding verification data to the Global Offshore Seepage Database.
The main component of Seep Explorer is NPA Satellite Mapping’s GOSD, the Global Offshore Seeps Database in GeoConsulting’s portfolio of products. Additional layers of data have been developed for GOSD to provide validation and further information on the origin of the seeps. These include a Fluid Features Database (FFD) of seabed fluid escape features and onshore seeps from Robertson’s FRogi dataset which characterizes the hydrocarbons. With more than 20 years of interpretation on over 23,000 satellite scenes covering all offshore basins in the current database, GOSD is recognized as the premier product in the industry.
Richard Burren, Director of CGG GeoConsulting’s NPA Satellite Mapping, said: “We have created Seep Explorer to reflect the unique combination that we can now offer with GOSD, our flagship offshore seeps database, and the GLOGOS onshore seeps database. It is the industry’s only integrated seepage database and reflects CGG’s strategy to offer the industry the highest-quality exploration screening tools. Seep Explorer is available now either on a subscription basis or as a one-off purchase.”
Repeating natural hydrocarbon seepage slicks in the Mexican Gulf, each colour representing the slick position on 5 separate dates, validating it as a high-confidence natural slick in this well-known and and active hydrocarbon basin (courtesy of NPA Satellite Mapping).
Mark Weber, Senior Vice President of CGG GeoConsulting, said: “With Seep Explorer, we have created a reference product suite in the industry that will help New Ventures and Exploration teams better assess source risk in all phases of exploration. We now routinely use these data in the planning and interpretation of our new generation of integrated seismic and geologic multi-client studies such as South East Barents and the Gabon South Basin. Seep Explorer is the latest innovation in GeoConsulting’s rich portfolio of integrated global and regional multi-client geological products that form a central part of CGG’s geoscience offering.”