Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Joins World Ocean Council (WOC)

The World Ocean Council (WOC) announces that Ocean-based Climate Solutions, Inc. (OBCS), a climate restoration company that uses renewable wave energy to fertilize phytoplankton and sequester carbon, has joined the WOC.

2 WOC Logo 1Phil Kithil, CEO of Ocean-based, said, “Ocean-based is pleased to be a part of the WOC’s global leadership efforts to bring together the business and investment community to responsibly advance the ocean’s role in reducing CO2 levels. The ocean is the biggest CO2 sink and the WOC’s role is crucial in developing an international private sector community of practice focused on ocean restoration, CO2 removal and blue carbon”.

Ocean-based is on a mission to reverse climate change and restore our oceans by deploying autonomous upwelling pumps for governments and public corporations to meet CO2 removal goals. The wave-powered technology upwells cold nutrient-rich seawater to trigger phytoplankton growth, which absorbs CO2, cools ocean surfaces, restores local aquatic ecosystems, and provides jobs in port cities around the world.

3 ocean based 3 logoPaul Holthus, WOC Founding President and CEO, said, “We are honored to have Ocean-based join the WOC. They have been an active participant in the growing WOC Ocean Restoration/CO2 Removal/Blue Carbon program, which builds on the WOC efforts on ocean CO2 sequestration that began in 2012.”

The WOC “Ocean Restoration/CO2 Removal/Blue Carbon Roundtable” is an invitation-only forum which meets monthly to catalyze business and investment leadership in advancing nature-based solutions and negative emissions technologies (NETs) that optimize the role of the ocean in carbon sequestration and ecosystem renewal.

Ocean Based will be providing a series of webinars CO2 removal and upwelling pumps on August 25-26, 2021. 

Click here to register: Artificial Upwelling Pumps for Carbon Dioxide Removal

The webinars will include: Description of Artificial Upwelling Pumps; Co-benefits; Costs; Permanence & Durability; Additionality, Monitoring, Measuring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV); Data Gaps; Stakeholders and Social Acceptance; Climate Equity; Livelihood and Community Benefits.

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