In his presentation, Dr. Feygels will show how the CZMIL meets the rigorous IHO Order 1a requirements of the International Hydrographic Organization for mapping shipping channels and detecting underwater hazards. Using data from a full seafloor search conducted in Florida, the presentation will focus in particular on the processing techniques that improve the CZMILís ability to detect underwater objects sized 2◊2◊2 m and smaller.
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The test survey for object-detection performance was conducted by NAVOCEANO near Panama City, Florida, where the diffuse attenuation coefficient, Kd, was on average 0.15-0.2 m-1. The simultaneous collection of the water columnís optical parameters coincident with the CZMILís overflights of its targets allows for a more nuanced understanding of the advantages and limitations of the survey system and environment as a whole, beyond merely a binary ëyesí or ënoí claim to Order 1a capability.
Visitors interested in the use of lidar for shallow-water bathymetry can catch this presentation during at the Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors 6 session at 3:30-5:00 pm on Thursday, September 22 in the Portola Plaza Hotelís Bonsai 3 room, or talk with a Teledyne Optech representative at the show.