“We agreed with the Italian shipyard Fincantieri that this was the most practical solution for a quick completion of “Kronprins Haakon”, says project director Tore Nepstad at the Institute of Marine Research. He has been responsible to oversee the construction process from the Norwegian side. Nepstad does not want to go into detail about what work remains, and describes small and larger tasks. Fincantieri and IMR agreed to hold back 25 million Euros of the purchase price to cover the work.
Expected completion will be in June. “This will have an effect on planned surveys with the vessel, but it’s too early to say how much,” says Nepstad.
RV “Kronprins Haakon” arrived in Norway and Bergen just before the New Year. Here we put on board equipment and adaption of equipment before the vessel was transferred to Vard Langsten where the work has continued.
100 meters long, the new research vessel will mean a new era for Norwegian Polar research. When “Kronprins Haakon” is completed, the Norwegian Polar Institute takes over ownership of the ship. UiT The Arctic University of Norway becomes the largest user with 50% of available cruise time, while the Norwegian Polar Institute will have 30% and the Institute of Marine Research will have 20%. The Institute of Marine Research is going to manage and operate ”Kronprins Haakon”.