Teledyne RESON’s SeaBat 7123-MkII is an advanced dual-use high resolution forward-looking sonar suitable for use in a wide range of applications and platforms, including both surface vessels and underwater vehicles.
In commercial use the SeaBat 7123-MkII can deliver super high-resolution imaging for underwater inspection related tasks, such as long-range detection of objects in the water column or on the seabed, and the sonar can be used as a platform for scientific and oceanographic research applications. The SeaBat 7123-MkII can be integrated on many platforms, e.g., AUVs, ROVs, PVDS and surface vessels and is especially useful for unmanned drone vessels for detecting and classifying objects on the seabed in real time.
In Naval use, the sonar is a vital component in Mine Counter Measure (MCM) systems for detection of Mine Like Objects (MLOs) at long distances. The high-resolution image enhancement solution of the SeaBat 7123-MkII not only provides a clearer image, but combined with machine learning algorithms, provides unprecedented real time computer aided detection (CAD) and tracking supporting the operator to classify objects.
“We are pleased to be awarded this order and being able to deliver solutions that keep the oceans safe”, says Ole Søe-Pedersen, VP of Teledyne Marine Europe. “Teledyne Marine innovation continuously focuses on developing market leading sonars with state-of-the-art image enhancement features. The sonars for this order will be delivered with the newest features that include machine learning and AI.”
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