The Executive Steering Committee and Scientific Programme Committee Co-Chairs are pleased to invite abstract submissions from community members representing all levels of the value chain, from data providers to users of operational satellite oceanographic data, products and applications. This Symposium will be held in-person with livestream viewing access. Limited funds may be available for travel support and can be requested during the registration process.
Abstract Submission Information
The focus of the third OSO symposium will be on the use of satellite data in Asia, the Pacific and high latitudes, including blue water oceanography and how satellite data can be applied to understanding trends and address impacts from climate change. The organizers especially invite presenters highlighting benefits leveraged from global agency investments in earth-observing satellite missions and coordination of virtual constellations – such as methods and studies quantifying socio-economic benefits. Speaker selection will ensure that these themes are addressed.
Oral and Poster abstracts received by the deadline will be considered for inclusion in the program. The Scientific Programme Committee will organize accepted abstracts into interactive sessions based upon relevance to session themes. Abstracts can be submitted online through the conference website