Custom Umbilical Solution for Powerful ROV

NOAA’s Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer is skillfully piloted from shore over a boulder field in a canyon on the West Florida Shelf in the Straits of Florida during Dive 06 of the 2022 ROV and Mapping Shakedown. Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2022 ROV and Mapping Shakedown.

When a powerful Remotely Operated Vehicle ROV must face tough offshore conditions, it has to be connected with the proper reliable umbilical cable.

This is why Copenhagen Subsea addressed NOVACAVI for its Gorilla ROV new cable solution and NOVACAVI developed a custom neutrally buoyant fiber optic data umbilical cable for fast and noise immune transfer of data.

2 Custom umbilical powerful ROV disegnoImage credit: NOVACAVI

The perfect mix of materials, correct configuration and production capabilities sort out in an umbilical cable able to guarantee maneuverability and reliability while supporting ROV operations in harsh and demanding environments such as offshore wind farms where strong currents activity is the norm.

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