Newton Labs’ Precision Measurement at Depth Solves Industry Issues

For the first time in subsea industry history, it is now possible to have true 0.1 mm or better resolution measurement at depth.

Newton Labs is proud to report that in the short time since its high precision at depth underwater laser scanner was introduced, it has been able to solve a number of industry issues; ones that could not have been previously accurately measured. The revolutionary M500UW provided the accuracy needed to solve these industry requirements. The ultra-high resolution M500UW underwater scanner is available for purchase and is also available for rental at major rental suppliers. Other models with depths to 4000 meters and the same ultra-high accuracy are also now available. Consult Newton Labs for full details.

These high resolution underwater scanners are specifically designed for capturing Ultra-high resolution metrology data and can be deployed on ROV and AUV submersibles.


For survey usage, the Newton Labs M500UW and all other Newton Underwater Laser Scanners are shipped with Full Certification Documentation to NIST Standards. (US National Institute of Standards and Technology- equivalent to ENISA and other National Standards)

The M500UW and deeper depth models easily interface with ROV/AUV and IMU devices, either integral to the ROV/AUV or exterior IMU systems. The scanner draws its power from the MUX or ROV/AUV and only requires 24VDC and GigEthernet. The M500UW can also be utilized with cable mounting up to 100 meters.

Click here for M500UW Data Sheet.

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