Designed to operate to shelf sea depths, the flume applies a controlled flow stress (or velocity) onto the surface of submerged bottom/bed sediments and various instruments monitor and record erosion as it proceeds.
The Cohesive Strength Meter is a field instrument that directly measures the surface erodibility of marine, fluvial and terrestrial sediments. It permits rapid assessment of sediment critical entrainment stress and provides a relative measure of erosion rate. This information is important for the understanding of benthic habitat stability, contaminated sediment dispersal, river bank and agricultural land stability, and the geomorphology of estuaries and coastal areas.
Andy Smerdon, Managing Director, said ‘The inclusion of Partrac’s specialist equipment expands the scope of our Sediment? Solved range and allows our customers to explore sediment stability and erodibility, as well as observing and collecting sediment.’
Aquatec’s Sediment Solved range includes instrumentation to observe and collect suspended sediment, and collect bedload and deposited sediment. Recent additions to the range include Aquatec’s own AQUAlogger 310TY advanced turbidity logger.
Find out more here.