Sentio™, the first of a number of new offerings to be delivered from SMD Services, enables the user to virtualize any operational environment across the full ocean engineering value chain, from topside to subsea. This can improve operational safety, identify and mitigate risks and significantly lower costs by understanding operational needs before going offshore.
Dr. Mahesh Menon, Digital Services Product Manager feels this is a perfect time to launch this innovative platform to the market, “Sentio™, developed with our technology partner Tree-C, generates a unique insight into offshore operations. This enhanced perspective means the customer is able to make highly informed decisions, ensuring operations are safe, reliable and fully optimized prior to the real life operation – all virtual, from wherever they are based. This is extremely valuable to a variety of customers in the offshore industry, especially in today’s challenging oil & gas economic climate. Sentio™ will help get the job done right the first time.”
The environment can be tailor-made to meet specific requirements at any stage of the operational life cycle, from engineering assessment, to training, to mission validation and de-commissioning. This ability eliminates the need for high-cost physical testing and resources. The speed at which Sentio™ lets the user create models and environments gives them the capability to produce an unlimited number of virtual scenarios, each offering reliable insights into how your real-world operations will play out.
No matter what your operations are, be it challenging geographical areas, deeper waters or dynamic working environments, Sentio™ gives the clarity to see and understand exactly how every element of the operation works, and how they are connected. This can be as complex as necessary, for example, installing new engineered products for the first time on an offshore rig requiring ROV and vessel operations.
Graham Puntis, Managing Director of SMD Services added, “In these challenging times for our customer base, SMD recognizes the need to provide reliable through life support for subsea intervention assets owned by our clients. SMD Services will continue to offer the traditional support options that our customers have always enjoyed, and in addition we will be providing a range of solutions designed to increase availability and reliability of ROVs, trenchers and ploughs, whilst helping to reduce through life costs of ownership. Sentio™, our state-of-the-art synthetic environment tool is the first in this range to be launched.”