Either deployed from TDI-Brooks’ DP vessel or off a charter DP vessel with a large 50-ton crane, the Manta-200 is designed for reliable results. During CPT operation the Manta is controlled from the surface with a real time link over a combined power and communication umbilical. Data can be viewed in real time allowing operators to manage the push and react to local sediment conditions to provide the highest quality data to the greatest depths possible.
The CPT system is powered by a unique Continuous Drive System (CDS) that was designed with a clear focus on durability and high production. It also guarantees uninterrupted penetration of the cone. Constant tension (CT) winches are used to support deployment at the working depth. The Manta-200 CPT system is a modular design capable of delivering results on even the most challenging of projects. Both casings and tubes can be operated simultaneously.
The Manta-200 CPT, along with the other TDI-Brooks’ suite of innovative geotechnical tools, are for soil sampling and measurement and also include box corers (BC), piston corers (PC), gravity corers (GC), jumbo piston corers (JPC), vibracorers (VC/pVC), cyclic t-bar instrument (TBAR), deep-reaching Shelby tube samplers (SPLR), and piezocone penetrometers including CPT-Stinger and Gravity CPT tools (gCPT).