The program consisted of Gravity Cone Penetrometer (gCPT) and T-Bar tests. TDI-Brooks deployed their geotechnical tools and geotechnical operators to the ongoing project off Turkey in the Black Sea. During this second leg of phase two, seventy-eight (78) gCPTs were collected in 34 to 2,168 meters of water. They also performed sixty (60) T-Bars in Box Cores (BC) acquired by DenAr.
During the first program in April 2021, TDI-Brooks acquired approximately thirty (30) Gravity CPTs (gCPTs) with their memory standard 15 cm2 CPT cones. TDI-Brooks’ CPT cones were fitted onto DenAr’s Piston Core (PC) rigs. On box cores, TDI-Brooks provided their Cyclic T-Bar’s using DenAr’s provided Box Cores. This project was conducted on the “DENAR 2” vessel over a period of 71 days in the Turkish portion of the Black Sea.
For the second program in July 2022, TDI-Brooks mobilized their research vessel, the R/V PROTEUS, to the Black Sea for ‘heavy’ geotechnical coring/CPT acquisition. This geotechnical program acquired several dozen 20-meter Jumbo Piston Cores (JPCs), 40 meter CPT-Stingers and up to 40-m SB Shelby-tube Stinger-Samplers. The PROTEUS is outfitted with TDI-Brooks’ complete geotechnical tool kit including a suite of innovative geotechnical tools for soil sampling and CPT measurement. The PROTEUS also has a Kongsberg EM-710 (1×1) hull-mounted multibeam (MBES) for surveys to ~2,500m water depth for performing surface geochemical “seep-hunting” (SGE) and seabed heat flow surveys (HF).