The third call has granted over 650 days of testing time, bringing the total time allocated by MaRINET2 test centers to more than 1700 days, or nearly 250 weeks. The transnational nature of the initiative means that projects from 14 EU countries, as well as Australia, Canada, Norway and the US have been able to accelerate the development of their technology at testing facilities across Europe.
Dr. Jimmy Murphy, co-ordinator of MaRINET2 said: “I am delighted that in just two years, MaRINET2 has been able to offer such a high level of support to so many technology developers. Not only is Europe the global frontrunner in ocean and offshore renewables, but our test facilities are also second-to-none. This project embodies the importance of international cooperation in maintaining that position of strength and in pushing forward the development of these innovative technologies.”
MaRINET2’s fourth call for applications will open on 15 August 2019, with a webinar to assist applicants scheduled for early September. An open call for virtual access to data sets and a free-of-charge training programme are also available through the project.
For details on eligibility criteria, how to apply, available testing infrastructures etc. please visit the Marinet2 website.