Nearly 1,300 facilities will be impacted by the 4 November 2013 ruling
When a ruling on Section 316(b) of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Water Act rolls out in 2013, CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. is prepared to support those facilities expected to bear the brunt of the regulation’s impact. Intended to reduce the entrainment and impingement of marine life as well as other adverse environmental effects, the EPA’s 316(b) regulation will impact industries that withdraw at least 2 million gallons of water per day for cooling purposes. Expected to be released on 4 November 2013, Section 316(b) will affect approximately 1,260 facilities across the country by requiring the installation and utilization of the best technology available for minimizing the negative effects of cooling water intake. When the new rule takes effect, existing facilities must implement impingement requirements as quickly as possible, but may be allowed up to 8 years to comply and provide additional studies to their permitting authority. However, new facilities must have the technology in place when they initially come online.
Mr. Ernesto Calix, a project scientist with CSA Ocean Sciences Inc., noted the enormity of this undertaking: “These facilities will be required to complete vast comprehensive studies, especially regarding entrainment. This will be a huge effort. Some facilities have prepared themselves for these studies, but many have not. There are a lot of moving parts that must be considered, and the need for awareness is critical.” Mr. Calix has more than 24 years of experience in marine monitoring programs, including a number of studies directly related to 316(b) entrainment programs and 316(a) thermal effects surveys. Presently, he is leading efforts within CSA to assist impacted facilities understand the importance of ichthyoplankton taxonomy and analysis with regard to the requirements of the 316(b) regulation. Mr. Calix has served as the lead taxonomist and consultant on several 316(b) programs and has developed techniques and matrices to support the efficient identification of ichthyoplankton and fish eggs. As the regulation’s release approaches, Mr. Calix is preparing his team to help educate affected facilities understand the support methodologies they will need during 316(b)’s implementation.