The Slick Sleuth™ Rig Guard Oil Spill Monitoring as a Service allows owners and operators to focus on core production and operation activities, while at the same time providing them with the benefits, protection, and peace of mind that come with a state‐of‐the‐art spill monitoring system.
“We are excited to offer this new service to the offshore industry,” said Chris Chase, InterOcean’s Environmental Systems Division Manager. “Rig Guard Oil Spill Monitoring as a Service provides cost savings and environmental safety to offshore platform owners and operators. These cost‐benefits are particularly significant when compared to the risks and costs associated with even a relatively small spill.”
The Slick Sleuth Rig Guard system detects oil on water using optical non‐contact sensor technology, which provides users critical early warning for immediate spill response and containment, reducing the risk of fines and cleanup costs. Employing Rig Guard Oil Spill Monitoring as a service ensures that the best available technology is currently installed and operating on operators’ platforms, while at the same time eliminating capital outlay and budgeting associated with equipment acquisition and ownership.
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