The mid-year update is available and includes detailed, comparative product information for ROVs, AUVs, USVs, and Towables, as well as corresponding manufacturer and operator contact listings.
This comprehensive guide includes vehicle information from 86 manufacturers and represents the “Who’s Who” of unmanned underwater vehicles—with a distribution of over 20,000. This is an important resource for companies in the subsea industry using underwater vehicles and makes it possible to have a large amount of information at their fingertips.
The 2017 Unmanned Vehicles Buyers’ Guide introduces advanced underwater robotic vehicles of all shapes and sizes to effectively allow the reader a complete look at what unmanned vehicles are available for operators in the subsea industry.
ON&T’s 2017 Unmanned Vehicles Buyers’ Guide helps inform decision makers to better understand what works best for their project needs, because we have done the research for them!
For more information, click here.
Media Contacts
Jessie Lewis – Circulation ([email protected])
Rhonda Moniz – Editor ([email protected])