The agenda for the recurring twice-yearly prestigious event will once more feature a series of informed presentations by leading experts from research and commercial organisations on topics ranging from current scientific projects to latest instrumentation and survey techniques. Open to surveyors, scientists and representatives of research centres, academia, manufacturers, survey, oil and dredging companies, monitoring and port authorities, registration cost inclusive of refreshments is £45 per head. Delegates will also have the opportunity to tour BP’s Learning Centre complex, including its drilling simulator and high-definition distance learning facilities.
Specialists wishing to make short presentations of approximately 20 minutes are requested to submit a suggested topic title accompanied by a 200-300 word abstract and biography by no later than Friday 5 May to [email protected]
The Forum will be preceded on the day before by a celebratory afternoon gathering at the nearby picturesque Magpie inn on the banks of the Thames, original venue in the 1970s for a series of 80 meetings which eventually contributed to the continuing formation and growth of The Hydrographic Society. Free to attend for members and MMF participants, there’s a charge of £15 plus VAT for non-members interested in nostalgic developments within earlier formative survey technology.
Further general details on both events are available here