The theme of the event – ‘Is poor data management putting your operations at risk?‘ will resonate with many managers and practitioners dealing with geospatial and business data and information.
So why you should attend?
Did you know that 90% of all data has been created in the last 2 years with average business data volumes doubling every 14 months! As a result, there has never been a more important time to reconsider how you manage your data and information. Are you:
- Frustrated that you never seem to have the information you need, when you need it?
- Concerned that you are making decisions on out-of-date or incomplete data?
- Struggling with multiple data formats?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then this event will be of interest to you.
We will show innovative ways of making life easier for you, your decision makers and stakeholders. The workshop will feature demonstrations of how GIS technologies and OceanWise products and services are successfully delivering savings in time, effort and money.
The workshop provides an excellent opportunity to network, share experiences with government and industry experts and practitioners, as well as finding out how GIS and spatial data management delivers real value and benefit! The workshop is aimed at public, commercial and non-governmental organisations involved in managing assets or providing decision support.
To Register, click here.
View Programme here.