The Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) project is a significant milestone in the development of renewable energy infrastructure in North America. The project will transmit power from the Canadian border to Queens, New York, through a 339-mile long subsea HVDC cable, providing renewable power to more than one million homes in New York.
DeepOcean’s scope of work includes project management, installation engineering and installation of subsea mattresses along the Hudson River in New York. The mattresses will be installed during three different campaigns over a two-year period. The first installation campaign was completed in April 2024. DeepOcean engaged a US-flagged vessel with US personnel installing locally sourced concrete mattresses.
Mattress installation tool. (Image credit: DeepOcean)
Mattress Installation is the process of positioning a flexible protective cover—a mattress—over a laid cable or pipeline on the surface of the seabed and also provide remedial stabilization.
“We believe that being chosen to support NKT on this project is a recognition of our technology and innovative approaches in the subsea space. For example, we will for this project apply a newly developed intelligent mattress frame which basically transforms a standard mattress frame into a fully independent ROV system that can deploy up to four mattresses in a single dive. This reduces both installation time and cost,” says Tony Stokes, president of DeepOcean’s US operation.
DeepOcean has in recent years pursued a strategy of applying its specialist subsea engineering and project management competence to numerous ocean-based industries such as offshore renewables, oil and gas, subsea minerals and recycling of subsea infrastructure.
“This contract for the Champlain Hudson Power Express validates that this is a successful strategy,” adds Tony Stokes.