It also includes design, fabrication, and installation of GRP covers and spool bringing important gas volumes to the European market.
In addition, the award also constitutes an option for a new Gas Export solution from Troll B via the existing Kvitebjørn export pipeline. Engineering will commence immediately and both projects are planned completed by 2025, bringing important gas volumes to the European market.
Eirin is a gas field in the North Sea that was originally discovered in 1978 and that now will be developed with a 2-slot Template with an integrated manifold where the well stream will be connected to the existing Gina Krog platform through a 9.5 km flexible flowline and Integrated Service Umbilical.
The optional scope on Troll B includes a new 2.5 km flexible flowline from an existing PLEM (Pipeline End Manifold) on Troll B to a new PLEM close to the Kvitebjørn Hot-Tap. A rigid spool will also be fabricated and installed between the new PLEM and the Kvitebjørn Hot Tap.