New Submersible Logger for Turner Designs C-sense pCO2 Sensor

Turner Designs is excited to announce the introduction of a submersible logger designed to work with our C-sense pCO2 sensor. Designed by Precision Measurement Engineering, Inc. (PME), an internationally known water quality instrument design corporation, the C-sense Logger package records time, date, internal temperature, and the partial pressure of gas in liquids.

C-sense enables in situ pCO2 monitoring over an extended period of time in water, oil or water and oil mixtures in depths up to 600m. Applications include water quality monitoring, aquaculture, wastewater monitoring, reef monitoring, carbon capture storage monitoring and biofuel production.

Integration with the C-sense Logger enables collection and internal storage of data at a variety of sampling rates, set by the customer. Data are offloaded to a computer via a USB cable for easy viewing and analysis. The logger and sensor are powered by the Turner Designs re-chargeable battery pack, potentially powering the C-sense Logger to collect 3,000 samples before re-charging is required.

PME’s CEO Kristin Elliott states, “Turner Designs and PME worked together to design a submersible logger that integrates with the C-sense. After our successful collaboration providing Cyclops-7 Loggers, we saw this as an excellent opportunity to again work together to provide an exceptional tool for our customers.”

More information about the C-sense is available on the Turner Designs web site,

More information about the C-sense Logger is available on the PME web site, 

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