Visitors to Ocean Business 2013 in Southampton, UK got to see the icTalk HF in action for the first time.
This calibrated instrument outputs sounds over the 10 to 200 kHz range, giving more than 3 octaves of flat response and low distortion. Peak output is 140 dB re.1uPa @1m.
The small hand-held device runs for days on its internal battery, or power it through its data cable. Users can create custom sounds with the combination of tones, sweeps & pauses available.
The tank demonstration at OB showed a clean and repeatable output from the icTalk using the icListen Smart Hydrophone, and Lucy to display the data.
The instrument has been under beta test for the past 3 months, and feedback has all been positive. One of our users has specified its use in all future deployments.
Ocean Sonics sees the icTalk as a powerful tool for
• Underwater acoustic system QC,
• A sound check for acoustic recorders
• Sea mammal sound simulator