World Ocean Council Partners with The Economist on Arctic Summit and World Ocean Summit

WOC and Ocean Business Community Participation at The Economist Arctic Summit 2015 and World Ocean Summit 2015

The World Ocean Council is partnering again with The Economist to help engage the ocean business community in upcoming events:

Arctic Summit 2015 (Oslo, 12 March 2015)

 ▪ World Ocean Summit 2015 (Lisbon, 2-5 June 2015)

A special registration discount is available to WOC Members for these events.

For the third Arctic Summit, the WOC is working with The Economist to help ensure Arctic business community participation. The event will gather senior level politicians, government bodies, NGOs, indigenous groups, intergovernmental organizations, and corporations from across the insurance, infrastructure, oil gas and mining, logistics, shipping, tourism and risk management industries. A special registration discount is available to WOC Members.

The speaker for Arctic Summit’s lead industry sponsor – DNV GL (a founding WOC Member) – is Elisabeth Tørstad, CEO, DNV GL Oil & Gas. Other speakers include: Peter Hinchliffe, Secretary General, International Chamber of Shipping (WOC Founding Member), the CEOs and senior managers of companies participating in WOC Arctic Business Leadership Council developments; and leading Arctic authorities from business, government and other stakeholder communities.

The Arctic Summit discussions will provide input to WOC’s Arctic program, which continues to work towards developing multi-industry leadership and collaboration on responsible economic activity in the changing Arctic region.

For the 2015 World Ocean Summit, the WOC is also working again with The Economist to advance ocean industry multi-stakeholder dialogue on global ocean issues. This year’s theme – “Blue economy; Blue growth” – is designed to capture the opportunity presented by blue growth for businesses, governments and the international ocean community, and identify solutions in the tension between economic development and sustainability.

The Economist has again invited the WOC to help shape the World Ocean Summit program and speaker’s roster. Confirmed speakers from WOC to date include: Shontel Norgate, CFO, Nautilus Minerals (WOC Founding Member); John Lyras, Vice Chairman, International Chamber of Shipping (WOC Founding Member); and Paul Holthus, CEO, WOC.

Other notable speakers include: Anibal Cavaco Silva, President, Portuguese Republic; Elisabeth Aspaker, Minister of Fisheries, Norway; Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs & Fisheries, European Commission; Assunção Cristas, Minister of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning, Portugal; and Michael Shorrock, CEO, Tidal Lagoon Power. For information on the registration discount available to WOC Members, contact [email protected].


Sustainable Ocean Summit 2015: 9-11 Nov 2015, Singapore

The next World Ocean Council Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) will take place in Singapore the week of 9-11 November 2015. The specific venue will be announced soon. Mark your calendars for this unique global ocean industry event, which is held only every 2 years. mmit 2015 and World Ocean Summit 2015

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