The overall project investment will be of US$310 million.
Delivering up to 15 Terabit-per-second of capacity AURORA will strengthen the existing network infrastructure in the region which has a limited ability to increase capacity or the capability to manage growing demands associated with a larger user base, bandwidth growth, 4G/5G networks, low latency applications, Video on Demand, Internet of Things and Big Data. The AURORA submarine cable system will provide superior connectivity from Sarasota, in West Florida, to Manta, in Ecuador, via Panama.
“We are honored to partner with Alcatel Submarine Networks to build the AURORA cable, which will put us in a leadership position in Central America and on the Pacific Coast of South America. AURORA represents the first of many projects we are planning in order to position FPT as one of the top 10 subsea cable system companies. We are well aware of how communications infrastructures are important for the regions and contributing to its development is one of our company’s key values, following United Nations’ goals,” said Mr. Luiz Fuschini, Chairman and President of FPT.
Philippe Piron, President of Alcatel Submarine Networks said: “The AURORA submarine cable system confirms the need for high-capacity infrastructures which are able to cope with business and end-user requirements for data center connections, cloud computing and content sharing applications. We are pleased to cooperate with FP Telecommunications on the AURORA submarine cable system and to contribute to further help foster the opportunities offered by new innovative technologies for a connected world.”
The solution to be deployed by Alcatel Submarine Networks will include the 1620 SOFTNODE, which incorporates multiple transmission formats to maximize delivered capacity at the lowest cost per bit. The system is also designed to enable extension to Chile and to connect to the United States without intermediate regeneration also leveraging ROADM branching units, which are part of ASN’s product portfolio also including Wavelength Selective Switch technology (WSS). As part of the contract, ASN will also be in charge of project management, system design, marine operations and system commissioning.