Ocean Specialists Inc. (OSI) reports that 11 major oil and gas company offshore platforms located in the Gulf of Thailand are now connected to shore via a submarine fiber optic network. This caps a six-year, groundbreaking involvement by OSI in developing the initial technical feasibility and then the detailed commercial business model development for a network that serves the major oil & gas operators in the region.
The fiber optic network connection will allow these offshore facilities to deploy the latest available technology to deliver greater efficiency for their exploration and productionoperations. Jim Byous, OSI President, commented, “From initial conceptualization stages in the last decade, this sort of leading-edge fiber deployment has now become an accelerating trend across the offshore hydrocarbon production sector and has caught the attention of operators globally. An increasing number of producers are recognizing the benefits of broadband communications as a key enabler to their offshore ‘factory environment’”.
OSI worked closely with both the network owner and the oil companies that are the customers of the communications services provided on the network. Pierre Tremblay, Managing Director of OSI’s Asia Pacific region stated “as the lead technical and commercial consultants for this project, we are very proud to have supportedworld class energy companies throughout the planning, design, and execution of the project.” The continued rise in bandwidth demand as an enabler for greater efficiency further demonstrates that fiber optic systems will become the dominant technology for new offshore facilities in the years to come. In addition to the Gulf of Thailand, OSI has supported more than 15 offshore oil & gas fiber network projects worldwide, including four major networks currently in various stages of development and construction in the EMEA region.
About Ocean Specialists, Inc.
Ocean Specialists, Inc. (OSI) provides major project development services to the global undersea telecommunications and offshore oil & gas markets worldwide. OSI specializes in the development of undersea telecommunications networks and market analyses for a broad variety of clients worldwide, ranging from Africa to Asia and Europe to the Americas. The company supports projects through their full life cycle, from conceptualization through ongoing operations and maintenance (O&M), supplier management, and support. Ocean Specialists, Inc is headquartered in Stuart, Florida with offices in Houston, Boston, and Singapore.