Glider module. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
The IMGAM AUV missions included safe launch and recovery using a custom-built rollable base, trimming, basic surveying at variable speeds and water depths, were carried out in Eckernförde Bight. During the nights between the AUV testing days, multibeam mapping and SIS Innomar sub-bottom profiling aimed at the identification of pockmarks and other seepage localities.
BlueROV. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
The heave-compensated winch, acquired to serve the MARUM H-ROV Ray6000, was tested in deeper waters close to the island of Bornholm, where a multi-sensor platform (MSP) with a bottom weight was lowered together with the glider module, the BlueROV and IMUs (Inertia Monitoring Systems) to assess winch performance.